Sunday, June 8, 2014

Think back to your childhood...

I'd like to ask you to stop for a moment. Relax. Forget about all the thoughts racing through your mind, your busy to-do list, and the kids screaming in the background. Take a moment just for yourself and remember what it was like to be young--a child.

What did you love to do as a kid? Did books play a role in that in any way? How? Did they open up your mind to a world of imagination? I know they did for me.

I learned to love reading as a small child. I never really stood a chance. My grandmother was an avid reader who was passionate about sharing that gift with me. While my dad was busy trying to force me to read Time Magazine--love you, Dad--it was my grandmother who opened up the world of literature for me. I had every book imaginable that could hold my interest. She had a favorite old bookstore where she would buy and trade used books to her heart's content. For me, she was my own personal library!

I was a strange tot.  I loved a mixture of gothic tales and mysteries: of monsters and who-dun-its.  I definitely read books that were not age appropriate at times. I dare say my parents probably would have shuddered if they had known some of the gothic tales my grandmother smuggled me as contraband. Oh, I loved her!

Now, I want you to take it one step further---how did those books influence you? Did they make a difference to you? Did they open up a new world? Did they put your imagination into overdrive?

I spent many an hour reading of vampires and ogres, my cherished contraband, in the peacefulness of my grandparents' home. Aside from these mysterious creatures, I was enamored by Nancy Drew. a much more age appropriate choice. She was an awesome female detective who always found herself in dangerous situations and in a pinch.  I wanted to be her--to solve mysteries of my own. It wasn't surprising when I took on the role of becoming an FBI agent.
Yes, as a tyke I would run around with a black leather, flip notebook interrogating everyone with my questions. I had my nose into everything. I'm sure at times I was a bit annoying, yet everyone listened patiently to my questions as I set about my quest.  I was out and about to solve whatever mystery I had created in my mind.

Fast forward several decades, where did books take me? Well, I am now a children's author writing about an almost-eight-year old detective named, Dani. Would I have been here today without my childhood adventures? What if I hadn't shared those adventures with my own daughter? Would I have ever written my first book for her?

As you sit and think back---where did your imagination and books take you? How have they changed your life? Are you smiling? I hope so. I hope as you take a look back into yesteryear you are remembering a childhood blessed with adventures.

Now, back to reality. Your child is screaming in the background. Perhaps they want a little attention. Perhaps they are bored. Here is a novel idea--no pun intended--how about reading with them? Share the gift you discovered long ago through the power of books. Help them to find their imagination and the path to their future. Who knows, perhaps they will become part of the next great generation of writers--or an astronaut floating through space discovering unknown worlds.

Wishing you all a little adventure,

K. Lamb

Dracula Photo Source:
Girl Detective Photo Source:


  1. I totally relate to this. Books were an escape, refuge, adventure and dreamland for me as a child...still are sometimes. The Famous Five and Nancy Drew were my go-to books and I progressed to Agatha Christie, Victoria Holt and Mary Higgins-Clark.
    Thanks for this reminder.

    When I Was a Kid

  2. Thank you for reading my blog post. I must admit, this is the first time I've heard of The Famous Five! I will definitely have to check it out--after all, we are never too old for kidlit!

    Thanks for sharing your blog address as well. I shall definitely check it out!
